All members are welcome and encouraged to attend and participate in meetings.
Meetings of the membership of the Buckeye Brook Coalition are held annually
with other meetings held as needed.
2024-12-11 - There have been no required annual meetings held since 2019
and the Coalition is no longer in compliance with its By-Laws.
In compliance with RI COVID-19 policy the Buckeye Brook Coalition Annual Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 18, 2020 was cancelled to futher notice. Please click here to find more information about this event on FaceBook and for more information about other Buckeye Brook Coalition events which maybe impacted by this situation.
Buckeye Brook Coalition | PO Box 9025 | Warwick, RI 02889 | 401-785-1596
Fine Print:
This web site and its content, unless otherwise indicated, continues to be owned, developed and hosted at no cost to Buckeye Brook Coalition by Associates.
Web page content may not accurately reflect the current policies and by laws of the organization and should only be used as a starting point for discussion.
For complete content, please contact an elected officer of Buckeye Brook Coalition.