Buckeye Brook Coalition -
A State of Rhode Island Designated Watershed Council

Taken on a tributary above Tidewater Bridge by John DaSilva, between the rain showers on Aug 31, 2004.

Images and Views


Images and Views of Buckeye Brook. Please click on an image to see a larger view.

Please let us know if you have any you would like added.

/brook/brook1_s.jpg /brook/brook1b.jpg Buckeye Brook from Warwick Avenue

/brook/brook2_s.jpg Buckeye Brook Looking downstream from Route 117

/brook/brook11_s.jpgBuckeye Brook at Warwick Lake

/brook/brook12_s.jpgWhere Buckeye Brook meets Narragansett Bay

/images/tidewater.jpgLooking downstream at Tidewater Drive

/images/marsh2.jpg /images/marsh1.jpg Views of Buckeye Brook from Canoe

/flowers/canoe1.JPG /flowers/swan1.JPG /flowers/flower1.JPG /flowers/flower2.JPG /flowers/flower3.JPG /flowers/flower4.JPG
Above photos were taken on a tributary above Tidewater Bridge by John DaSilva, between the rain showers on Aug 31, 2004.

/images/canoe.jpgResearchers from URI exploring the brook in 2004

/images/spartina.jpgSpartina grass in winter along Buckeye Brook. Spartina is a native vegitative buffer grass which is excellent for filtering nitrogen from the waters.

/images/takingfish.jpgAn unidentified fisherman taking bait fish from the brook in 2004

/images/habitat_1.jpg /images/habitat_2.jpgWildlife habitat along the brook.

/wildlife1.jpg images /wildlife2.jpg Ducks enjoying a break in the ice on the surface of the Brook.

/wildlife_3.jpg images
/wildlife_4.jpg Geese and ducks using the Brook as shelter during a snowstorm.

/fishcount/fishcount1.jpg images
/fishcount/fishcount2.jpg images
/fishcount/fishcount3.jpg RIDEM F&W Chief Biologist Phil Edwards training Buckeye Brook Volunteers for the annual fish count.

/images/snowshoe.jpgThe brook offers all season enjoyment and recreational opportunites for the adventurous. Winter weather and a prolonged cold spell created an ideal footing for Tom Rush to snow shoe. Please remember to check with local authorites before walking on the ice. As the wildlife photos above show, some places the ice is thinner than others. Always be safe when you have fun!

/images/artifacts/art1.jpg A private collection of Shawomet Artifacts found in the Buckeye Brook Watershed.

New signage marking Buckeye Brook at all briges crossing the stream.

If you have a small, high quality image of Buckeye Brook you'd like to see here, please send it as an attachment to New photos and we will try to add it in.
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You can help support the activites of the Buckeye Brook Watershed Council with your donation. PayPal and Credit Cards are accepted.

Buckeye Brook Coalition | PO Box 9025 | Warwick, RI 02889 | 401-785-1596
    Fine Print:
    • This web site and its content, unless otherwise indicated, continues to be owned, developed and hosted at no cost to Buckeye Brook Coalition by redmare.com Associates.
    • Web page content may not accurately reflect the current policies and by laws of the organization and should only be used as a starting point for discussion.
    • For complete content, please contact an elected officer of Buckeye Brook Coalition.
    • Last updated: 2024-12-11