Buckeye Brook Coalition -
A State of Rhode Island Designated Watershed Council

RIDEM F&W Chief Biologist Phil Edwards training Buckeye Brook Volunteers for the annual fish count.

Buckeye Brook Paddle Maps


    RI Department of Health and RI Department of Environmental Management periodically test water quality in Warwick Pond and will issue warning advising people to avoid contact because of a blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) bloom which makes the water and and its fishes toxic to you and your pets. More information about blue green algae and information about current water quality alerts can be found on RI Deparment of Environmental Management's Blue Green Algae page.

    Grab your paddles and get ready for a fantastic summer on the brook! In partnership with the Rhode Island Blueways Alliance and with grant funding from The Rhode Island Foundation the Buckeye Brook Coalition has produced its first official paddle maps. Buckeye Brook Coalition is one of 10 Rhode Island watershed organizations that are creating paddle maps as part of this project. Even if you are familiar with Buckeye Brook, you may be surprised to learn some new things about its historic and natural significance. Check back for other maps being produced in this series and always remember to wear lifejackets, sunscreen and take all other appropriate safety precautions!

    Click on a link below to view and print the maps and to plan your paddles in the Buckeye Brook watershed.

Buckeye Brook Coalition | PO Box 9025 | Warwick, RI 02889 | 401-785-1596
    Fine Print:
    • This web site and its content, unless otherwise indicated, continues to be owned, developed and hosted at no cost to Buckeye Brook Coalition by redmare.com Associates.
    • Web page content may not accurately reflect the current policies and by laws of the organization and should only be used as a starting point for discussion. For complete content, please contact an elected officer of Buckeye Brook Coalition.
    • Last updated: 2024-12-11