Buckeye Brook Coalition -
A State of Rhode Island Designated Watershed Council

Earth Day Cleanup 2005

Activities and Events


    The Coalition sponsors a number of events, including the following:


      • 2024 22nd Annual RI DEM River Herring Count at Buckeye Brook - April 1 to May 30, 2024

        The Buckeye Brook Coalition which is the RI State Designated Local Watershed Council for the Buckeye Brook Watershed and the RI Department of Environmental Management, a Division of Fish & Wildlife, are recruiting and training volunteers to participate in the 2024 22nd Annual Direct Fish Count. This important event trains volunteers how to count “buckeyes” swimming upstream in Buckeye Brook and document those findings.

        Agencies like the US Fish and Wildlife Service and RIDEM Fish & Wildlife maintain and analyze this information for use in fisheries management and to help guide commercial and recreational fishing policy.

        Returning volunteers who are already trained can register and sign the waiver on line using this link https://forms.office.com/g/D7RXYeZ0Da, or contact RIDEM's site coordinator, Jennifer Brooks at 401-789-0281 (jennifer.brooks@dem.ri.gov)

        New volunteers must complete a training session and sign a waiver. Returning volunteers are not required to attend training but are welcome to join.

        2024 In Person Training Session will be held on-site at Buckeye Brook at Warwick Avenue on:

        • Thursday, March 21, 2024 - 5PM - 6PM at Buckeye Brook at Warwick Avenue (Northeast corner of the Knights of Columbus Parking Lot, 475 Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI 02889 The parking lot is between Warwick Ave. and Old Warwick Ave., and North of the Sandy Lane/Warwick Ave. intersection) If noone is present in the parking lot, walk north along the sidewalk towards the Warwick Ave. bridge and the brook)
        • For volunteers who cannot attend the March 21st training session, there is also a recorded training option available when you register to participate.

        You register for training using the same form you use to register found at https://forms.office.com/g/D7RXYeZ0Da.

        More Information can be found in this PDF file.


      • 2023 21st Annual Buckeye Brook's Direct Fish Count - April 1 to May 15, 2023

        The Buckeye Brook Coalition as as part of the the RI State Designated Local Watershed Council and the RI Department of Environmental Management, a Division of Fish & Wildlife, recruited and trained volunteers to participate in the 2023 21st Buckeye Brook Annual Direct Fish Count.

        2023 Training Sessions were held:

        • Wednesday, March 22, 2023 - 6 PM - 7 PM via Live Zoom Virtual Training Session
        • Saturday April 1, 2023 - 10 AM - 11 AM On-site at Buckeye Brook at Warwick Avenue

      • 2022 20th Annual Buckeye Brook's Direct Fish Count - Mid-March to Mid-May

        The Buckeye Brook Coalition in Cooperation with the RI Department of Environmental Management,recruited and trained volunteers to participate in the 2022 Annual Direct Fish Count. Volunteers contacted RIDEM's site coordinator, Jennifer Brooks for training information and information on changes to the program. More Information about the 2022 Fish Count can be found in this PDF file.


      • 2021 19th Annual Buckeye Brook Direct Fish Count - April 1 - May 15, 2021

        Volunteers monitored the annual herring run at Buckeye Brook. This 19 year old program, trained volunteers how to count “Buckeyes” swimming upstream in Buckeye Brook and document those findings.

        Agencies like the US Fish and Wildlife Service and RIDEM Fish & Wildlife maintain and analyze this information for use in fisheries management and to help guide commercial and recreational fishing policy. This opportunity ran from April 1 - May 15, 2021.

        Please click here to find more information about the 2021 2021 Fish Count and how to register for training or download new release forms.


      • CANCELLED: 2020 Buckeye Brook Annual Earth Day Clean Up- Saturday, April 18, 2020

        In compliance with public safety and health advisories from the RI DOH and national CDC in response to the COVID-19 situation, we did not be host the Earth Day Clean in 2020. We thanked our volunteers for their continued support as we planned future events.

      • 2020 18th Annual Buckeye Brook Direct Fish Count - Mid-March to Mid-May 2020

        Trained volunteers documented the migration of the annual herring run at Buckeye Brook. In this 18 year old program, trained volunteers counted “Buckeyes” swimming upstream in Buckeye Brook and documented those finding. This opportunity ran from late March to mid May. Only previously trained volunteers were able to participate in this outdoor activity in 2020 because the COVID-19 social distancing policies limited training options for new volunteers.

        Volunteers who were already trained contacted RIDEM's site coordinator, Jennifer Brooks at 401-284-2247 or jennifer.brooks@dem.ri.gov to register and learn about some changes to reporting methods needed to be in compliance with COVID-19 health policies and to protect the personal safety of our volunteers.


      • 2019 Annual Earth Day Clean Up Weekend Celebration - Saturday, April 27, 2019 (9:00 AM - noon) (Registration starts at 8:30 AM)

        The Buckeye Brook Coalition and Sponsors held our annual Earth Day clean up of the Buckeye Brook watershed on Saturday, April 27, 2019 from 9:00 AM - noon. We celebrated Earth Day by volunteering to help our community protect local natural resources. As in previous years, our sponsors and volunteers removed tons of debris, litter, bottles, tires, shopping carts, and furniture from our watershed, its ponds and streams.

        Registration started at 8:30 AM. on Saturday, April 27th at the Knights of Columbus Hall at 475 Sandy Lane. Volunteers were divided into groups under the leadership of a team captain for each site. Groups left the main site and re-grouped at their locations throughout the watershed. They were supplied with bags to retrieve litter and wearing weather appropriate clothing, water proof footware and gloves assisted in keeping the volunteers safe and comfortable.

        This was an educational and rewarding experience and those needing to document volunteer hours were provided certificates upon request. Pizza and water was served after the event.

      • 2019 URI Watershed Watch NEW VOLUNTEER TRAINING - March 21 or March 30, 2019

        The URI Coastal Institute needs volunteers to participate in the 2019 Watershed Watch Program. This is a volunteer water quality monitoring program that works with local communities to assess water quality, identify sources of pollution in water and provide information about water leading to more effective management of water resources like Buckeye Brook. You will be trained as a citizen scientist to enable you to gather and report important water quality information about the brook.

        Right now the URI Watershed Watch is is looking for water quality volunteers to monitor 3 sites in the Buckeye Brook Watershed: Rodney Road; Warner Brook; and Lockwood Brook. Ideally, there will be backup for each site so they will all be covered when people are unavailable to collect samples on a particular date.

        New volunteer classroom trainings are offered Thursday, March 21, 2019 (6-9 pm) and repeated Saturday, March 30, 2019 (9 am – noon) Both are at the Coastal Institute in Kingston. Field training will follow the classroom training. You only need to attend one training class.

        More information can be found at URI Watershed Watch's web site or by calling 401-874-4552 or 401-874-2905.

      • 2019 17th Annual Fish Count NEW VOLUNTEER TRAINING - March 28 (5:00-6:00 PM) or March 30, 2019 (10:00-11:00 AM)

        The Buckeye Brook Coalition needs volunteers to participate in the 2019 Annual Direct Fish Count. This where volunteers get together during the river herring/fish migration season from late March through May each year to observe and count fish where the fish swim upstream to spawn in our local watershed. You can help by volunteering to Count Fish in Buckeye Brook in Warwick, RI.

        Where: Northeast corner of the Knights of Columbus Parking Lot, 475 Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI 02889 (Parking lot is between Warwick Ave. and Old Warwick Ave., and North of the Sandy Lane/Warwick Ave. intersection) If noone is present in the parking lot, walk north along the sidewalk towards the Warwick Ave. bridge and the brook.

        Requirements: All new volunteers are required to attend a short, 10 minute training session. This year the training will be held Thursday March 28 2019 5:00-6:00 PM and Saturday March 30, 2019 10:00-11:00 AM. You only need to attend ONE of the two days. Previous volunteers do not need to re-train but are required to complete a liability waiver each year before participating.

        If you are interested in participating and have not attended required training sessions, or have previously participated and are exempt from training, please call Jennifer Brooks at 401-789-0281 or email her at Jennifer.brooks@dem.ri.gov . Please provide her with your full name, email address, telephone number, days of the week you are available to count (Monday-Sunday), either A.M. (Sunrise-Noon) or P.M. (Noon-Sunset). She can provide you the training and paper work to participate.

        RIDEM Paperwork Requirements: RIDEM must receive your completed liability form before you can start counting or be put on the schedule. Forms can be handed in as originals, or emailed to Jennifer.brooks@dem.ri.gov or faxed C/O Jennifer Brooks to fax tel 401-783-7490. Jen can only add you to the schedule if she has received your liability form and your days of availability. If you have more questions on signing up to volunteer, please contact Jen on 401-789-0281 or email her at Jennifer.brooks@dem.ri.gov .


      • 2018 URI Watershed Watch NEW VOLUNTEER TRAINING - April 5 or 8, 2018

        The URI Coastal Institute needs volunteers to participate in the 2018 Watershed Watch Program. This is a volunteer water quality monitoring program that works with local communities to assess water quality, identify sources of pollution in water and provide information about water leading to more effective management of water resources like Buckeye Brook. You will be trained as a citizen scientist to enable you to gather and report important water quality information about the brook. More information can be found at URI Watershed Watch's web site or by calling 401-874-4552 or 401-874-2905.

      • 2018 16th Annual Fish Count NEW VOLUNTEER TRAINING - March 22 or March 24, 2018

        The Buckeye Brook Coalition needs volunteers to participate in the 2018 Annual Direct Fish Count. This where volunteers get together during the river herring/fish migration season from late March through May each year to observe and count fish where the fish swim upstream to spawn in our local watershed. You can help by volunteering to Count Fish in Buckeye Brook in Warwick, RI.

        Where: Northeast corner of the Knights of Columbus Parking Lot, 475 Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI 02889 (Parking lot is between Warwick Ave. and Old Warwick Ave., and North of the Sandy Lane/Warwick Ave. intersection) If noone is present in the parking lot, walk north along the sidewalk towards the Warwick Ave. bridge and the brook.

        Requirements: All new volunteers are required to attend a short, 10 minute training session. This year the training will be held March 24 & 27, 2018. You only need to attend ONE of the two days. Previous volunteers do not need to re-train but are required to complete a liability waiver each year before participating.

        If you are interested in participating and have not attended required training sessions, or have previously participated and are exempt from training, please call Jennifer Brooks at 401-789-0281 or email her at Jennifer.brooks@dem.ri.gov . Please provide her with your full name, email address, telephone number, days of the week you are available to count (Monday-Sunday), either A.M. (Sunrise-Noon) or P.M. (Noon-Sunset). She can provide you the training and paper work to participate.

        RIDEM Paperwork Requirements: RIDEM must receive your completed liability form before you can start counting or be put on the schedule. Forms can be handed in as originals, or emailed to Jennifer.brooks@dem.ri.gov or faxed C/O Jennifer Brooks to fax tel 401-783-7490. Jen can only add you to the schedule if she has received your liability form and your days of availability. If you have more questions on signing up to volunteer, please contact Jen on 401-789-0281 or email her at Jennifer.brooks@dem.ri.gov .

      • 2017 Annual Earth Day Clean Up Weekend Celebration Needs Your Support More than Ever

        The Buckeye Brook Coalition needs someone new to step forward and lead our Annual Clean up. Unfortunately, due to medical conditions our former President and Annual Clean Up chairman Paul Earnshaw will not be able to lead this important annual event this year. Please read his post from FaceBook and if you think you are up to the task please consider stepping up to the plate this year and assuming the helm of this important annual event.

        From the Buckeye Brook Facebook page - Posted by Paul Earnshaw on Febuary 5, 2017....."unfortunately will not be the 20th Annual Buckeye Brook Coalition Earth Day Clean Up. Many of you are aware that I have had some recent health concerns that will not allow me to be able to physically provide the needed attention to arrange all the logistics to get the event put together this year. I hope some of our members would consider adopting a favorite spot in the watershed. However if you choose to do so? It is your responsibility to dispose of recyclables & litter yourself as well as personal safety. The City will not pick up trash along roadside without proper authorization, and waivers approved by RI Resource Recovery Corporation. Secondly you are also responsible."

        Please consider if you think you would like to take over this important event and reach out to Paul Earnshaw at 401-952-4462 for more information on what it takes to keep this going. This would be our 20th year celebration. It would be a shame to see it end.

      • 2017 15th Annual Fish Count Program - April 1 - May 15, 2017

        The Buckeye Brook Coalition needs volunteers to participate in the 2017 Annual Direct Fish Count. This where volunteers get together during the river herring/fish migration season from late March through May each year to observe and count fish where the fish swim upstream to spawn in our local watershed. You can help by volunteering to Count Fish in Buckeye Brook in Warwick, RI.

        Where: Northeast corner of the Knights of Columbus Parking Lot, 475 Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI 02889 (Parking lot is between Warwick Ave. and Old Warwick Ave., and North of the Sandy Lane/Warwick Ave. intersection) If noone is present in the parking lot, walk north along the sidewalk towards the Warwick Ave. bridge and the brook.

        Requirements: All new volunteers are required to attend a short, 10 minute training session. Previous volunteers do not need to re-train but are required to complete a liability waiver each year before participating.

        If you are interested in participating and have not attended required training sessions, or have previously participated and are exempt from training, please call Jennifer Brooks at 401-789-0281 or email her at Jennifer.brooks@dem.ri.gov . Please provide her with your full name, email address, telephone number, days of the week you are available to count (Monday-Sunday), either A.M. (Sunrise-Noon) or P.M. (Noon-Sunset). She can provide you the training and paper work to participate.

        RIDEM Paperwork Requirements: RIDEM must receive your completed liability form before you can start counting or be put on the schedule. Forms can be handed in as originals, or emailed to Jennifer.brooks@dem.ri.gov or faxed C/O Jennifer Brooks to fax tel 401-783-7490. Jen can only add you to the schedule if she has received your liability form and your days of availability. If you have more questions on signing up to volunteer, please contact Jen on 401-789-0281 or email her at Jennifer.brooks@dem.ri.gov .

      • 2016 19th Annual Earth Day Clean Up Weekend Celebration - Saturday, April 24, 2016 (9:00 a.m. - noon) (The rain date is April 24th from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.)

        The Buckeye Brook Coalition and Sponsors will hold our annual Earth Day clean up of the Buckeye Brook watershed on Saturday, April 23, 2016 from 9 a.m.-noon. (The rain date is April 24th from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.)

        Come Celebrate Earth Day by volunteering to help our community protect local natural resources.

        • Date/Time: Saturday, April 23, 2016 from 9 a.m. to noon.
        • Place: Meet at the Knights of Columbus Hall parking lot, 475 Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI, at 9:00 a.m.

        Come participate in our 19th Annual Earth Day Clean up of the Buckeye Brook Watershed!

        We need volunteers and some team captains! This easy and important job makes the event run smoothly. If you are interested in being a team captain, please contact Paul Earnshaw at 401-952-4462.

        In previous years, our sponsors and volunteers have proudly removed tons of debris, litter, bottles, tires, shopping carts, and furniture from our watershed, its ponds and streams. Please celebrate Earth Day by being active in our community by volunteering to participate in our Earth Day Celebration.

        For More Information: Call Paul Earnshaw at 401-952-4462.

        Registration starts at 8:45 a.m. on Saturday, April 23rd at the Knights of Columbus Hall at 475 Sandy Lane. Volunteers will be divided into groups under the leadership of a team captain for each site. Groups will then leave and meet at their locations throughout the watershed. You will be supplied with bags to retrieve litter.

        Please dress weather appropriate and bring gloves, as the supplied gloves go quickly.

        This can be an educational and rewarding experience. Come, learn, and experience what the Buckeye Brook Coalition is about. Help to care for Mother Earth and set an example for others to follow. This is an excellent opportunity to share your appreciation of our planet with your children. For those needing to document volunteer hours, certificates are available upon request. Come enjoy the outdoors and help make a difference!

        Supported and done in collaboration with The City of Warwick, the Rhode Island Airport Corporation, the Mill Cove Conservancy, and the Conimicut Village Association.

      • 2016 Annual Fish Count Program - April 1 - May 15, 2016

        It is almost time to start the annual Direct Fish Count, which runs from about April 1 until about May 15!

        If you have not participated before, the training time is simple and short, and the commitment once you are trained is only to show up once (possibly twice) per week on the appointed day (either some time in the morning or sometime in the afternoon, as requested on the schedule). You will watch for fish for 10 minutes, and jot down a few other observations.

        All new volunteers are required to attend a short, 10 minute training session.

        Please plan on stopping by for 10 minutes during one of the following sessions:

        • Thursday, March 24th, stop by anytime between 5PM-6PM
        • Saturday, March 26th, stop by anytime between 10AM-11AM

        Previous volunteers are welcome to stop by, too! It's a good time to pick up and turn in your paperwork, as well!

        Location: Training will be held at the Fish Count location which is near the Northwest corner of the Knights of Columbus parking lot, 475 Sandy Lane in Warwick, (near the Steve Insana memorial). Proceed towards the brook if nobody is present at the parking area, because training may be taking place.

        Previous Volunteers- If you are not planning on attending the training, please email Jennifer Brooks with your: Full name, email address, phone number, days of the week you are available to count (Monday-Sunday, either AM (Sunrise-Noon) or PM (Noon-Sunset.) to email Jennifer brooks at Jennifer.brooks@dem.ri.gov

        Jennifer must receive your completed liability form before you can start counting or be put on the schedule. This NEW liability form now covers the entire time of your volunteer service with DEM, so you will never have to fill this out again!

        This form can be handed in as originals, emailed to Jennifer Brooks at Jennifer.brooks@dem.ri.gov or faxed C/O Jennifer Brooks at 401-783-7490.

        Jennifer will be making the Buckeye Brook schedule during the afternoon of Saturday, March 26, after our last training session, and can only add you to the schedule if she received your liability form and your availability.

        A copy of the Volunteer Timesheet Volunteer Timesheet and quick instruction guide quick instruction guide for anyone that has questions on filling out their timesheets.

        Remember turning in your timesheet is critical to our fisheries and wildlife programs, as all of your time and mileage will be monetarily matched by the Federal Government and returned to our Rhode Island program. A big thank you to those that turned in these sheets last year, and we hope to have an even better return rate this year!

      • 2015 Water Quality Monitoring and Training

        The Coalition is once again looking for some volunteers to monitor water quality throughout the winter months. This program has been developed and implemented by the URI Watershed Watch Program as a result of a Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Warwick and the RI Airport Corporation. The Coalition supplies volunteers that work in pairs at 6 monitoring sites. Sampling is done every 2 weeks and also within 24 hours after a winter weather event. The actual time involved for each sampling is about 1 hour. No prior experience is required.

        The Training workshop is free, and will be held Saturday, December 5, 2015 at the St. Benedict Parish Hall, 71 Transit Street on the 2nd floor. Enter at the rear of the building using the door to the left, go up 1 flight, and it is the first door on the right.

        Please register beforehand by contacting Paul Earnshaw by email or call him in the evenings at 401-739-6592.

      • 2015 18th Annual Earth Day Clean Up Weekend Celebration - Saturday, April 18, 2015 (9:00 a.m. - noon)

        In addition to the 17 non-registered people from the Conimicut Village Association and Woodbury Church who cleaned up around Conimicut Village, there were 52 registered volunteers (35 coming from Buttonwoods Scout Troop 7 and Warwick Scout Troop 183 and Pack 1) participating in the 2015 Earth Day Clean Up Event! We are especially thankful for their efforts.

        Altogether we removed approximately 1,500 pounds of litter from the streets and waterways of Buckeye Brook. Sites included Old Warwick Avenue and Warwick Avenue where they are near the brook, including a very nice clean up of the Steve Insana memorial. Secondly along West Shore Road where the restored marsh is located. A third site was on West Shore Road between the Elk’s Club and Oakland Beach Avenue. Finally, Point Avenue towards Conimicut Point was once again made spotless of litter.

        We also thank the City of Warwick Public Works and Sanitation Departments for their quick action in removing the trash, D’Ambra Construction for the use of their signage and traffic cones, and to the Knights of Columbus for use of their property.

      • 2015 Annual Fish Count Program - April 1 - May 15, 2015
        It is almost time to start the annual fish count, which runs from April 1 until about May 15! A short, 10 minute training session for new volunteers is required at either of these times
        • Thursday, March 26, 2015 anytime between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m.
        • Saturday, March 28, 2015 anytime between 10:00 and 11 a.m.

        The training is done by Phil Edwards from the RI Department of Environmental Management.

        If you are interested in participating, please contact Bill Aldrich (Phone) 401-785-1596 or email Jennifer Brooks before March 14 and provide your name, phone, email address, days of the week you are available, and times (AM or PM) when you are available.

        If you have done it before, you don’t have to attend, but you must obtain a waiver form, which all participants must sign. You can click here to email Jennifer Brooks directly to obtain a waiver form on line.

        The training will be held at the Fish Count location. Park in the northwest corner (near the charity collection box) of the Knights of Columbus Parking lot, 475 Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI. Proceed towards the brook if nobody is present at the parking area because training may be taking place. Training is either individual or is done in groups, depending on who is present at any given moment throughout the hour. It is easy and fun!

        For those who have not participated before, the commitment once you are trained is only to show up once or twice per week on the appointed day (either some time before noon or sometime after noon, as requested on the schedule). You will watch for fish for 10 minutes, and jot down a few other observations. Once again, it is easy and it is fun, and provides very valuable data from year to year!

      • Riding the Tide 2014 - Saturday, June 28 (8:30 AM - ?)
        Finally it's almost summer. The days are getting warmer which means the water is too. June is recognized as R.I. Rivers month. To celebrate that, the Coalition is inviting you to participate in a paddle on lower Buckeye Brook and a portion of upper Narragansett Bay.

        This year’s event will likely take about 3-4 hours to complete the full round trip. On Saturday, June 28th at 8:30 AM, we will launch from an undisclosed location and travel along the coast line and proceed up the brook. For those who have not traveled this water way before, you are going to be surprised by what you experience. The scenic beauty is remarkable. After traversing the brook we will take a short 15 minute pit stop to stretch our legs and have a chance for a bathroom break. Then we shall proceed to Narragansett Bay for a while, where we will explore some of the bay's rocky coast before finishing the trip back where we started.

        Advanced registration is required. Experience with paddling in open bay water and rivers is essential. Proper safety gear, especially a life jacket, is required. Participants must provide their own canoe or kayak (no paddle boards). Bring lots of water and have some sun protection.

        Call evenings at 401-739-6592 or email Paul Earnshaw at brookeye10@gmail.com to get all the details and to be screened for your ability to participate.

      • 2014 Fresh Water Forum - Wednesday, April 9, 2014 (7:00 pm - 9:00 pm) -
        Save the Lakes is sponsoring a public meeting with Department of Environmental Management (DEM) Director Janet Coit who will discuss DEM strategic priorities and current lake management issues in RI. A question and answer period will follow. This is a great opportunity to meet and interact with Director Coit and other freshwater stewards to discuss our vital fresh water resources. Click on this link for more information about Save the Lakes 2014 Fresh Water Forum.

      • 2014 17th Annual Earth Day Clean Up Weekend Celebration - April 5, 2014 (9:00 a.m. - noon)
        (Rain date is Sunday April 6, 2014 (1:00 pm - 4:00 pm) Registration starts at 8:30 on Saturday (12:30 on Sunday if we get rained out on Saturday) This event was supported and done in collaboration with The City of Warwick and Mill Cove Conservancy.

      • 2014 Annual Fish Count Program - April 1 - May 15, 2015
        The 2014 annual fish count, which ran from April 1 until about May 15, 2014. Training was done by Phil Edwards from the RI Department of Environmental Management at the Fish Count location at the northwest corner (near the charity collection box) of the Knights of Columbus Parking lot, 475 Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI. This event provided very valuable fish population data

      • 2013 BBC Fundraiser - Cocktails by the Cove - Saturday - September 28, 2013 (6:00 pm to 8:00 pm)

        Enjoy local beer & wine and hors d’oeuvres with a view of Mill Cove, Narragansett Bay, and Conimicut Light, while helping to raise funds to protect and preserve your local watershed. This event will be hosted at the Whelk Home at 15 River Vue Avenue, in Warwick and tickets are $20 per person.

        Click here to see the 2013 Cocktails by the Cove Notice for more details

      • 2013 Winter Water Quality Testing - August 29th, 2013 (6:00-8:30 PM)

        Buckeye Brook Coalition is recruiting at least 12 volunteers for 6 monitoring sites along the watershed for winter water monitoring program. Training will be held on on August 29th, 2013 from 6:00 to 8:30 PM at the Saint Benedict Church School on Transit St off West Shore Road in Conimicut Village. All training and testing equipment will be supplied free of charge. Volunteers will be paired up with an assistant. Each pair of trained monitors will handle one location for air temperature, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and propylene glycol (deicing fluid for aircraft). Testing will be done bi-monthly from November-March, as well shortly after winter storm events.

        This is really a big opportunity for members and the general public to do something to support the health of Buckeye Brook. I assure that the Coalition has never given up hope that this resource can be protected and preserved. . Even if you have never been involved in water quality testing, this is for you! You can do it!

        More info or registration for training call Paul Earnshaw 401-739-6592 or Linda Green URI Watershed Watch Program Manager @ 401-874-4561

      • 2013 BBC Watershed Storm Drain Marking - Sunday - August 25, 2013 (10:00 am to 12:00 pm)

        What: Help protect water quality in the watershed and Greenwich Bay from non-point sources. In conjunction with the Save the Bay, Buckeye Brook members will be marking storm drain inlets in the watershed area with distinctive notices advising that they drain into the brook and bay.

        Where: Meet at the Coastway Community Bank located at 2089 Warwick Avenue in Warwick, RI

        Requirements: Volunteers must be 10 years of age or older to participate in this storm drain marking. All volunteers under the age of 16 must participate with an adult. Volunteers must have their own transportation to and from the storm drain marking site. All volunteers must be able to do two hours of walking and moderate bending and lifting. Volunteers must wear sturdy, closed-toed shoes.

        What to Wear/Bring: All volunteers should wear clothes they don't mind getting dirty, and dress for the weather. Volunteers are encouraged to bring sunscreen and a reusable water bottle.

        Note: Service hours will be given for this cleanup.

        Sign Up: Please send your name, email and a cell or home phone number you can be reached at during the day to volunteer@savebay.org or call and leave this information at 401.272.3540 x 130.

        Click here to see the Storm Drain Marking Notice for more details

      • 2013 Picnic At The Point - Saturday - August 17, 2013 (12:00 pm to 5:00 pm)

        Join friends and neighbors at the annual Conimicut Picnic at the Point. Bring a lawn chair or a blanket, bring a lunch or buy one there and enjoy the afternoon enjoying vendors and live music at the shore. This event is held at Conimicut Point Park in Warwick, RI.

        Click here to see the Picnic at the Park Notice for more details

      • 2013 Riding the Tide Paddle Adventure - Saturday - June 1, 2013 (7:30 am to 10:30 am)
        Explore the salt marshes at the mouth of Buckeye Brook as well as Conimicut Point and Rocky Point on this paddle with the Buckeye Brook Coalition. The trip offers scenic views, and education about the local communities, the environment and its history.

        This trip will require a bit more paddling experience than on previous Buckeye Brook trips because it is mostly in Narragansett Bay, although not too far from shore. We will launch from a central location, travel to Conimicut Point and the salt Marsh, then backtrack and continue on to Rocky Point, and then return to the starting point. Anyone who is not up for the entire trip can cut it short before continuing on to Rocky Point.

        Click here to see Riding the Tide Paddle Adventure for details

      • Steve Insana Memorial Dedication - March 24, 2013 (2:30 PM)
        The location is on Warwick Avenue, near the parking lot area of the Knights of Columbus building, 475 Sandy Lane, in Warwick.

        On August 30, 2009 the world lost someone who was truly special. Steve Insana, the founder of the Buckeye Brook Coalition, was taken from us far too early. His leadership and advocacy for the protection of Buckeye Brook was a passion that he shared with all who knew him. The Coalition has been working on a fitting memorial to Steve since the time of his passing.

        The Buckeye Brook Coalition would like to invite everyone who knew Steve to attend the dedication of a special site that will serve as a permanent memorial to a man that did so much for this small watershed in our community.

      • 2013 16th Annual Earth Day Clean Up Weekend Celebration! - April 20, 2013 (9:00 a.m. - noon)
        (Rain date was Sunday April 21, 2013 (1:00 pm - 4:00 pm) Registration starts at 8:30 on Saturday (12:30 on Sunday if we get rained out on Saturday) This is an excellent opportunity to share your appreciation of our planet with your families, children and neighbors. Plan to meet us at the Warwick Knights of Columbus Hall at 475 Sandy Lane in Warwick, RI. Supported and done in collaboration with The City of Warwick and Mill Cove Conservancy.

      • Buckeye Brook Watershed - Paddle Maps - All Year Long
        Grab your paddles and get ready for a fantastic summer on the brook! In partnership with the Rhode Island Blueways Alliance and with grant funding from The Rhode Island Foundation the Buckeye Brook Coalition has produced its first official paddle maps. Buckeye Brook Coalition is one of 10 Rhode Island watershed organizations that are creating paddle maps as part of this project. Even if you are familiar with Buckeye Brook, you may be surprised to learn some new things about its historic and natural significance. Check back for other maps being produced in this series and always remember to wear lifejackets, sunscreen and take all other appropriate safety precautions!

        Click on a link below to view and print the maps and to plan your paddles in the Buckeye Brook watershed.

      • 2012 Ride the Tide with the Buckeye Brook Coalition - Sunday June 3, 2012
        Buckeye Brook is a jewel within the urban city of Warwick. Explore one of Warwick’s hidden treasures with the Buckeye Brook Coalition as we celebrate R.I. Rivers Month. This paddling event is open to people with all levels of experience. The event is free. However, donations are greatly appreciated. Join us for a casual paddle where we will explore the lower reaches of Buckeye Brook. Pre-Registration is required as the trip has a maximum capacity of 20 vessels.

        We will launch at about 7:30 A.M. Paul Earnshaw will lead the trip making several stops along the way to discuss over 300 years of history. Explore the wildlife & picturesque scenery. Learn about environmental issues impacting many of our water ways. See the progress of the brackish marsh restoration project which the Coalition started 2 years ago. Learn about the river herring and why declines of 95% exist. The trip should take only about 2 hours, & will start with the incoming high tide, and will complete with the outgoing tide returning you back into Narragansett Bay. Come enjoy wildlife, history, & the beauty that Buckeye Brook has to offer. Bring your own canoe or kayak, refreshments, binoculars, & maybe some bug spray.

        LIFE JACKETS ARE REQUIRED and PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. To find details of the launch location, contact Paul Earnshaw at 401-739-6592 or by email at brookeye10@gmail.com.

      • 2012 15th Annual Earth Day Clean Up Weekend Celebration! - April 21 and 22, 2012
        This Rain or Shine event takes place Saturday, April 21, 2012 (9:00 a.m. - noon) and (for those who can't make it on Saturday morning) Sunday April 22, 2012 (1:00 p.m. - 4:00)

        Supported and done in collaboration with The City of Warwick and Mill Cove Conservancy, this exciting event is an educational & rewarding experience.

      • 2012 Tenth Annual Fish Count Program - April 1 - May 15, 2012
        It is almost time to start the annual fish count, which runs from April 1 until about May 15! A short, 10 minute training session for new volunteers is required at either of these times
        • Thursday, March 22, 2012 anytime between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m.
        • Saturday, March 24, 2012 anytime between 10:00 and 11 a.m.

      • Phragmites Control Project - Saturday, February 25, 2012 (1:00 p.m. - 4:00)
        The Buckeye Brook Coalition is half way through a three year restoration project of a brackish marsh along West Shore Road. We need some volunteers on to meet at the brackish marsh where Buckeye Brook intersects with West Shore Road on Saturday, February 25th, at 1:00 p.m. for a couple of hours to manually cut an invasive plant known as phragmites australis or common reed. This cutting needs to be done before the vegetation begins to reemerge in the spring.

        You will need cutting tools such as manual or gas powered hedge clippers, gloves, and waterproof boots. Because it is unlikely that there will be a freezing condition to harden the marsh, be prepared for very wet conditions. Only adults in good physical condition should attend.

        If you can help, give Paul Earnshaw a call at 401-739-6592 or click here to email him with your contact information.

        More information about this important project can be found in this article by the Warwick Beacon Online published October 12, 2010 - First Steps Taken to Poison Invasive Wetland Reeds

      • 2011 Annual Fund Raiser - September 18, 2011 (4:00 PM - 6:00 PM)
        Please join the Buckeye Brook Coalition at 15 River Vue Avenue, Warwick, RI on Sunday, September 18th and help raise funds to protect and preserve your local watershed. Come enjoy burgers, hot dogs, soft drinks, desserts and music by classical guitarist Scott Dagget at the home of Mr. & Mrs. George W. Shuster, Jr. on the south bank of Mill Cove. Our guest speaker this year is Mr. Tom Ardito who will present on the Pawtuxet River dam removal project. Cost is $10 for BBC members / $15 for non-BBC members. Free for children under 12. All are welcome and tickets available at the event, or reserve in advance by emailing Stephanie Van Patten or by phone at 401.737.1278. Click on the link above for our flyer.
      • 2011 Ride the Tide with the Buckeye Brook Coalition - Saturday, June 18, 2011
        Explore the wildlife and picturesque scenery of Buckeye Brook, a jewel within the urban city of Warwick. This paddling event, sponsored by the Buckeye Brook Coalition, is free and open to people with all levels of experience. Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. and launch is about 10 a.m. Participants will hear about the 300 years of history made along this beautiful watershed. It is the home to one of Rhode Island's only natural free flowing herring runs in the state. The trip will take about 2 hours and start just prior to the incoming high tide. The event is free; bring your own canoe or kayak, refreshments, binoculars, & bug spray. Life jackets are required. Contact Paul Earnshaw to pre-register and find the launch location at 401.739.6592, or email him by clicking on this link.

      • 2011 14th Annual Earth Day Clean Up Weekend Celebration! - April 9 and 10, 2011
        This event was held on Saturday, April 9, 2011 and Sunday April 10, 2011 and was supported by and done in collaboration with The City of Warwick and Mill Cove Conservancy.

      • 2011 Ninth Annual Fish Count Program - April 1 - May 15, 2011
        This important program runs April 1st through early May and we need volunteers! A short, 10 minute training session for new volunteers is required at either of these times:
        • Thursday, March 24, 2011 anytime between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m.
        • Saturday, March 26, 2011 anytime between 10:00 and 11 a.m.
        Please click here for more information from Bill Aldrich about the 2011 Annual Fish Count Event..

      • Rock and Roll Night - March 12, 2011 For those who are interested, Bonnie and Christopher Donahue, supporters of the Coalition, are inviting Buckeye Brook Coalition members to a night of rock and roll by Mark Cutler on Saturday, March 12, 2011 at Eddies 529 Club at 529 Warwick Avenue, Warwick, RI from 9-12:30. Those who come will have some fun and, hopefully, learn something about Buckeye Brook and the Coalition. Cash bar will be available.

      • The 2009 Buckeye Brook Coalition Fundraiser - September 20,2009 The Buckeye Brook Coalition held a fund raiser on September 20, 2009 from 4:00PM - 6:30PMat 15 River Vue Avenue, Warwick, RI. There was a hamburger & hot dog cookout, soft drinks, live band, games and activities for children. Other community & environmental organizations participated and offered information and displays about their exciting programs. Our Key Note Speaker was Michael Sullivan, Director of the RI Department of Environmental Management. Event sponsors were: Sandy Lane Meat Market, Home Loan Bank, Picasso's Pizza, Twinns Karate. (Rain Date Sept 27 same time).

      • 2009 Seventh Annual Direct Fish Count - April - May 2009
        This program runs April through early May and we need volunteers! Please contact Steve Insana (401-737-1342) as soon as possible if you want to be a fish count monitor. 2009 Training dates for new people will be held before this event. Stay posted for the dates. Click here to read an article in the Warwick Beacon about our 2008 Training Program.
      • 2009 12th Annual Earth Day Clean Up Celebration - April 18, 2009
        Will be held Saturday, April 18, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon. Plan to meet us at the Warwick Knights of Columbus Hall at 475 Sandy Lane in Warwick. Dress warmly and wear waterproof boots if possible. (Rain date - Sunday, April 19, 2009).
      • Click here to read a letter from our President, Paul Earnshaw about the Coalition,its activites in 2008 and goals for 2009.

      • Riding the Tide with Buckeye Brook - June 21, 2008
        Explore Warwick’s hidden treasures with the Buckeye Brook coalition for this paddling event, which is open to all levels of experience. Join us for a casual paddle where we will meet at the parking lot at Conimicut Point, near the play ground area. We will be heading out at approximately 9:00 AM heading west to the estuary of Mill Cove. Where we will discuss over 300 years of history made along this absolutely beautiful watershed. Explore the wildlife & picturesque scenery, Buckeye Brook is a jewel within the urban city of Warwick. It is the home to one of Rhode Islands only natural free flowing herring runs in the state. The trip should take only about 2 hours, & will be just prior to an incoming high tide, & an out going tide on the return trip. Come enjoy wildlife, history, & the beauty that Buckeye Brook has to offer. Bring your own canoe or kayak, refreshments, binoculars, & maybe some bug spray. For more information contact Paul Earnshaw 401-739-6592
      • 2008 Sixth Annual Direct Fish Count - April - May 2008
        This program ran April through early May. Click here to read an article in the Warwick Beacon about our 2007 Program.
      • 2008 11th Annual Earth Day Clean Up Celebration - April 19, 2008
        Was held Saturday, April 19, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon.
      • 2007 10th Annual Earth Day Clean Up Celebration
        Was held Saturday, April 14, 2007. Click here to see images of and read about our 2007 event in the Warwick Beacon and Providence Journal.
      • 2007 Fifth Annual Direct Fish Count
        This program ran April through early May 2007. Click here to read an article in the Warwick Beacon about the exciting 2007 Fish Count Program.
      • 2007 URI Watershed Watch
        Was held in May 2007. We will need contacts and volunteers for people interested in this program for 2008. Click here for details.
      • 2007 Water Quality Monitoring May - October 2007
        This event also runs May through early October and more water quality volunteers are needed for the URI Watershed Watch. We have four sites to monitor in the Buckeye Brook watershed. Please contact Steve if you are interested in particating. Click here and wait patiently for a large detailed map of the water quality montioring stations to load.
      • Buckeye Brook Coalition Boat Trip,
        Members met on April 22, 2006 for a memorable and informal canoe and kayak paddle down Buckeye Brook.
      • Historical Cemetary Clean Up , January 14, 2006.
        Grab your tools and a warm coat and join us as we work with the Warwick Historical Cemetary Committee and the Knights of Columbus. We meet at the Knights of Columbus parking lot at 9AM.
      • 9th Annual Earth Day Clean Up and Breakfast April 1, 2006
        Was be held Saturday, April 1, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon. Click here to see images of our 2005 8th Annual Earth Day Clean Up Event
      • Buckeye Brook Cultural Historic Tour
        Last year we met on Saturday, June 18, 2005 for a facinating tour of the cultural assests of the Buckeye Brook Watershed and Old Mill Cove, including discussion of the old mill, the Shawomet Indian summer camp, and the old Warner sites (house and grave site). We will post dates for the 2008 tour when they are set.
      • 2004 Fall Chicken and Macaroni Dinner - October 3, 2004 Held at the Warwick Knights of Columbus at 4-7pm.
      • 2004 Social Events Calendar

Buckeye Brook Coalition | PO Box 9025 | Warwick, RI 02889 | 401-785-1596
    Fine Print:
    • This web site and its content, unless otherwise indicated, continues to be owned, developed and hosted at no cost to Buckeye Brook Coalition by redmare.com Associates.
    • Web page content may not accurately reflect the current policies and by laws of the organization and should only be used as a starting point for discussion.
    • For complete content, please contact an elected officer of Buckeye Brook Coalition.
    • Last updated: 2024-12-11