Letters to the Editor - A Proud Airport Neighbor NIMBY

Providence Journal Bulletin
March 20, 2012 By George W. Shuster Jr.

In your March 20 editorial, "Good News for Green," you write, "The runway [extension project] was held up for years by NIMBYs ...." I proudly count myself among those NIMBYs, if that means I have questioned why the airport is permitted, year after year, to dump toxic deicing fluid into Warwick Lake, Buckeye Brook and Narragansett Bay.

But I am also pleased that the Rhode Island Airport Corporation has expressly agreed, in Section 10.08 of its recent contract with the City of Warwick, that the Airport Corporation "shall construct" a $25 million treatment facility to mitigate the effects of a portion of its discharges, by Dec. 31, 2015.

So I hope that you will also report on the "NIMBYs" in Warwick, like me, who welcome the construction of this new facility "in our backyards" with open arms. And I assume that you, and the rest of Rhode Island, will hold the Airport Corporation, which you so ardently praise, to its unambiguous commitment to build the new treatment facility as a condition to the runway extension and before the 2015 deadline for doing so.

George W. Shuster Jr.

The writer is a Boston-based lawyer.