For the second year in a row, the Buckeye Brook Coalition will take part in the Audubon Society’s International Coastal Clean-up. An annual event for the last 21 years, the clean-up sets out to clear the world’s shorelines of marine debris and other garbage.
“It’s a worldwide effort,” said Steve Insana, president and founder of the coalition. “We started helping out last year as a group and now we’re going to do it again this year. Last year we had about 15 people. Hopefully we’ll get a little more people this year.”
Insana said the group had couples from Smithfield and Burrillville last year and while he thought that was great folks would come out from that part of the state, he was hoping this year might bring out some more locals. The group will meet at Conimicut Point Beach at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 16.
“We are doing it on the Point because if you go to the beach and look there’s cigarette butts, huge amounts of them from the storm drains that go right to the bay, tons and tons of them in the sand,” he said. “It looks horrible. There’s also lots of debris from the Fourth of July and other marine debris like old fishing lines and fishing gear, plastic.”
Insana said the coalition teamed up with the Mill Cove Conservancy, namely member Marcia Pena, who is also a member of the Buckeye Brook Coalition.
For more information on the event, call Insana at 864-6112 or visit the coalition online at